Conference Format

To meet the diverse requirements of our attendees, we provide various participation formats for this conference. We aim to ensure that you can choose the most suitable option to achieve your business goals and objectives at the Oil & Gas Digital Transformation Conference & Exhibition. If none of the pre-designed packages align perfectly, we can create a customized package tailored specifically to your needs.


Join 350+ industry and technology innovators for 2 days of learning, development and networking.
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A Speaker

Secure your confirmed Speaking Slot on the Official Agenda and be a part of speaker panel.
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Build relationships with a hand-selected group of 150+ senior supply chain and IT leaders in the region.
Explore Why Attend


Place your company in a position of authority to build and strengthen your relationship, visibility and reputation with major industry key players.
Become an Exhibitor

Integrating AI, Blockchain, and IoT for Sustainable Oil & Gas Operations

Explore the synergy of AI, Blockchain, and IoT in revolutionizing oil and gas operations. This session will highlight how these technologies enhance sustainability, optimize resource management, and improve safety. Discover successful case studies and strategies for achieving long-term environmental and economic goals. Join us to understand the transformative potential of integrating these innovations.

Integrating AI, Blockchain, and IoT for Sustainable Oil & Gas Operations

Explore the synergy of AI, Blockchain, and IoT in revolutionizing oil and gas operations. This session will highlight how these technologies enhance sustainability, optimize resource management, and improve safety. Discover successful case studies and strategies for achieving long-term environmental and economic goals. Join us to understand the transformative potential of integrating these innovations.

Conference Theme/Key Topics

Technological Trio: Real-time, Communication, Blockchain

Explore real-time data, advanced communications, and blockchain networks while avoiding pitfalls in the latest measuring and monitoring technologies for improved oilfield communication systems

Best practices and Case Studies

Explore digital transformation best practices and case studies, gaining insights from machine learning, cybersecurity, and successful transitions to ensure a successful digital program across multiple well sites

Low-Cost Strategies for Optimizing Oilfield Production

Implement cost-effective strategies to optimize oilfield production, ensuring consistent peak performance throughout the entire operational process

Adapting to Evolving Business Processes

Adapt to rapidly changing business processes by understanding their evolution and reimagining business strategies to meet dynamic market requirements

Innovate Operations with Technology

Uncover the latest in IoT integration and wellsite automation, exploring cutting-edge technologies to enhance oilfield operations' efficiency and safety

Seize Now: Industry 4.0 Transformation

Why is it time to invest in digitalization – Digital Transformation driving Industry 4.0?

People & Culture

For successful change and transformation, it's crucial to build a workplace culture that embraces innovation

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